In the water



Conscious design

In a society where economic growth is the mainstay, it is no surprise that our planet is dying. Because of our greed, we humans have managed to slowly destroy our only home. Trees have been cut down, and hundreds of natural sanctuaries have been destroyed. We have polluted the skies, and filled the seas with plastic and oil. Billions of animals have died at our hands, or because of our decisions, and millions of people have had to migrate from their places of origin because of climate change.

The fashion industry is the second most polluting, and as designers, we must find solutions that help our planet.

With this in mind, as a university project, we created Nukema.


Brand identity



Nukema is a brand founded by argentine designers, who are looking to create unique pieces that cause the least possible environmental impact.

Our goal is to avoid fast fashion, create timeless pieces that our customers will never discard, thus avoiding mass production.

By extending the life of garments and avoiding mass consumption we can help our planet, reducing carbon footprints, water consumption and waste.




The collection “Auquino” is inspired by the magical location of the Iguazu Falls in Argentina.

In that place where the strong and powerful torrents of water meet the calmer ones. This struggle between the two works as the pillar of the collection.   


Campaign video

Photography Valentina Gaglioti

Design Vera Sardi Lucía Callahuara, Lucía Vitta, Florencia Villordo, Rocío García Barcia, Clara García Gómez.

Styling Vera Sardi, Rocío García Barcia

Hair and makeup Vera Sardi, Rocío García Barcia

Models Jo Chumotta, Malena de Urquiza, Lola Pilo



Maraña II


God save the queen